In [332]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import datetime as dt
%matplotlib inline
In [333]:
# set the font size
import matplotlib
font = {'family' : 'sans-serif',
'weight' : 'normal',
'size' : 17}
matplotlib.rc('font', **font)
In [339]:
temperature = temperature[0:-1:3]
In [341]:
dateConverter = lambda d : dt.datetime.strptime(d.decode('utf-8'),\
'%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')
power = np.genfromtxt('downloads/campusDemand.csv',delimiter=",",\
names=True,dtype=['S255',dt.datetime,'f8'],converters={1: dateConverter})
In [342]:
name, indices, counts = np.unique(power['Point_name'], return_index=True,return_counts=True)
In [343]:
for i in range(len(name)):
print(str(name[i])+"\n\t from "+str(power[indices[i]]['Time'])+\
" to "+str(power[indices[i]+counts[i]-1]['Time'])+"\n\t or "+\
Here all the building data is taken and stored.
In [407]:
Here the values across all four buildings are sorted.
In [345]:
#You can also do
'''power = np.sort(power,order='Time')'''
# which is the same thing if you have enough RAM(>4GB)
time_ix1 = sorted(range(len(powerBaker)), key=lambda x: powerBaker[x]['Time'])
powerBaker = powerBaker[time_ix1]
time_ix2 = sorted(range(len(powerDoherty)), key=lambda x: powerDoherty[x]['Time'])
powerDoherty = powerDoherty[time_ix2]
time_ix3 = sorted(range(len(powerPorter)), key=lambda x: powerPorter[x]['Time'])
powerPorter = powerPorter[time_ix3]
time_ix4 = sorted(range(len(powerScaife)), key=lambda x: powerScaife[x]['Time'])
powerScaife = powerScaife[time_ix4]
time_ix4 = sorted(range(len(powerMaincampus)), key=lambda x: powerMaincampus[x]['Time'])
powerMaincampus = powerMaincampus[time_ix4]
In [346]:
print("The minimum difference between any two consecutive timestamps is: " +\
str(np.min(np.diff(powerBaker['Time']))) )
print("The maximum difference between any two consecutive timestamps is: " +\
str(np.max(np.diff(powerBaker['Time']))) )
print("The minimum difference between any two consecutive timestamps is: " +\
str(np.min(np.diff(powerDoherty['Time']))) )
print("The maximum difference between any two consecutive timestamps is: " +\
str(np.max(np.diff(powerDoherty['Time']))) )
print("The minimum difference between any two consecutive timestamps is: " +\
str(np.min(np.diff(powerPorter['Time']))) )
print("The maximum difference between any two consecutive timestamps is: " +\
str(np.max(np.diff(powerPorter['Time']))) )
print("The minimum difference between any two consecutive timestamps is: " +\
str(np.min(np.diff(powerScaife['Time']))) )
print("The maximum difference between any two consecutive timestamps is: " +\
str(np.max(np.diff(powerScaife['Time']))) )
print("The minimum difference between any two consecutive timestamps is: " +\
str(np.min(np.diff(powerMaincampus['Time']))) )
print("The maximum difference between any two consecutive timestamps is: " +\
str(np.max(np.diff(powerMaincampus['Time']))) )
And when is the first and last timestamp for this dataset? (We would like them to overlap as much as possible):
In [347]:
print("First timestamp is on \t{}. \nLast timestamp is on \t{}.".\
format(powerBaker['Time'][0], powerBaker['Time'][-1]))
print("First timestamp is on \t{}. \nLast timestamp is on \t{}.".\
format(powerDoherty['Time'][0], powerDoherty['Time'][-1]))
print("First timestamp is on \t{}. \nLast timestamp is on \t{}.".\
format(powerPorter['Time'][0], powerPorter['Time'][-1]))
print("First timestamp is on \t{}. \nLast timestamp is on \t{}.".\
format(powerScaife['Time'][0], powerScaife['Time'][-1]))
print("First timestamp is on \t{}. \nLast timestamp is on \t{}.".\
format(powerMaincampus['Time'][0], powerMaincampus['Time'][-1]))
In [348]:
print("Power data from {0} to {1}.\nTemperature data from {2} to {3}"\
.format(powerBaker['Time'][0], powerBaker['Time'][-1], \
temperature['timestamp'][0], temperature['timestamp'][-1]))
print("Power data from {0} to {1}.\nTemperature data from {2} to {3}"\
.format(powerDoherty['Time'][0], powerDoherty['Time'][-1], \
temperature['timestamp'][0], temperature['timestamp'][-1]))
print("Power data from {0} to {1}.\nTemperature data from {2} to {3}"\
.format(powerPorter['Time'][0], powerPorter['Time'][-1], \
temperature['timestamp'][0], temperature['timestamp'][-1]))
print("Power data from {0} to {1}.\nTemperature data from {2} to {3}"\
.format(powerScaife['Time'][0], powerScaife['Time'][-1], \
temperature['timestamp'][0], temperature['timestamp'][-1]))
print("Power data from {0} to {1}.\nTemperature data from {2} to {3}"\
.format(powerMaincampus['Time'][0], powerMaincampus['Time'][-1], \
temperature['timestamp'][0], temperature['timestamp'][-1]))
Here the appropriate number of temperature data are taken to correspond to the right number of dimensions that will be specified later on in the notebook.
In [352]:
temperature1 = temperature[len(temperature)-2689:len(temperature)-1]
In [353]:
def power_interp(tP, P, tT):
# This function assumes that the input is an numpy.ndarray of datetime objects
# Most useful interpolation tools don't work well with datetime objects
# so we convert all datetime objects into the number of seconds elapsed
# since 1/1/1970 at midnight (also called the UNIX Epoch, or POSIX time):
toposix = lambda d: (d - dt.datetime(1970,1,1,0,0,0)).total_seconds()
tP = list(map(toposix, tP))
tT = list(map(toposix, tT))
# Now we interpolate
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
f = interp1d(tP, P,'linear')
return f(tT)
In [443]:
newPowerValuesBaker = power_interp(powerBaker['Time'], powerBaker['Value']/1000, temperature1['timestamp'])
newPowerValuesDoherty = power_interp(powerDoherty['Time'], powerDoherty['Value']/1000, temperature1['timestamp'])
newPowerValuesPorter = power_interp(powerPorter['Time'], powerPorter['Value']/1000, temperature1['timestamp'])
newPowerValuesScaife = power_interp(powerScaife['Time'], powerScaife['Value']/1000, temperature1['timestamp'])
newPowerValuesMaincampus = power_interp(powerMaincampus['Time'], powerMaincampus['Value'], temperature1['timestamp'])
In [474]:
toposix = lambda d: (d - dt.datetime(1970,1,1,0,0,0)).total_seconds()
timestamp_in_seconds = map(toposix,temperature1['timestamp'])
timestamps = temperature1['timestamp']
temp_values = temperature1['tempF']
power_valuesBaker = newPowerValuesBaker
power_valuesDoherty = newPowerValuesDoherty
power_valuesPorter = newPowerValuesPorter
power_valuesScaife = newPowerValuesScaife
Here are the graphs for the power consumption across all four buildings against time.
In [451]:
plt.ylabel('Baker Electric Consumption [kW]')
plt.plot(timestamps, temp_values, '--b')
plt.ylabel('Outside Temperature [F]')
In [480]:
plt.ylabel('Doherty Apts Electric Consumption [kW]')
plt.plot(timestamps, temp_values, '--b')
plt.ylabel('Outside Temperature [F]')
In [481]:
plt.ylabel('Porter Electric Consumption [kW]')
plt.plot(timestamps, temp_values, '--b')
plt.ylabel('Outside Temperature [F]')
In [414]:
plt.ylabel('Scaife Electric Consumption [W]')
plt.plot(timestamps, temp_values, '--b')
plt.ylabel('Outside Temperature [F]')
In [416]:
plt.ylabel('Porter Electric Consumption [KW]')
plt.plot(timestamps, temp_values, '--b')
plt.ylabel('Outside Temperature [F]')
Here we put all the data from each building into a structured array.
In [417]:
dataBaker = np.vstack((timestamps,power_valuesBaker,temp_values)).T
dataDoherty = np.vstack((timestamps,power_valuesDoherty,temp_values)).T
dataPorter = np.vstack((timestamps,power_valuesPorter,temp_values)).T
dataScaife = np.vstack((timestamps,power_valuesScaife,temp_values)).T
dataMaincampus = np.vstack((timestamps,power_valuesMaincampus,temp_values)).T
In [419]:
def Tc(temperature, T_bound):
# The return value will be a matrix with as many rows as the temperature
# array, and as many columns as len(T_bound) [assuming that 0 is the first boundary]
Tc_matrix = np.zeros((len(temperature), len(T_bound)+1))
for (i,t) in enumerate(temperature):
# first chunk
if t <= T_bound[0]:
Tc_matrix[i,0] = t
Tc_matrix[i,0] = T_bound[0]
# chunks in the middle
n = 1
while(n < len(T_bound)-1 and t > T_bound[n]):
Tc_matrix[i,n] = T_bound[n+1] - T_bound[n]
n += 1
if(n < len(T_bound) and t <= T_bound[n]):
Tc_matrix[i,n] = t - T_bound[n-1]
# last chunk
if(t > T_bound[-1]):
Tc_matrix[i,-2] = T_bound[-1] - T_bound[-2]
Tc_matrix[i,-1] = t - T_bound[-1]
return Tc_matrix
In [420]:
def DesignMatrix(temperature, T_bound, dim):
# dim represents how many data points you want to count as one sample
# in the case of the paper, dim=480
m = len(temperature)
# check if the input is valid
if np.mod(m,dim) != 0:
print('Invalid dimension, the number of points is %d but the dimension is %d.'\
% (m,dim))
print('The number of points should be integer multiple of the dimension size.')
print('Please try again with vlaid arguments.')
num_sample = m//dim
num_chunks = len(T_bound) + 1
DM = np.zeros((len(temperature) , dim + num_chunks))
# first column ones representing intercept
# DM[:,0] = np.ones(m)
# repeat identify matrix of dim
DM[:,0:-num_chunks] = np.vstack([np.eye(dim)] * num_sample)
# append Tc at end
DM[:,-num_chunks:] = Tc(temperature, T_bound)
return DM
In [421]:
def beta_hat(X, power_values):
# check rank of X to see if it's valid
# from numpy.linalg import matrix_rank
mr = np.linalg.matrix_rank(X)
min_dim = min(X.shape)
if mr < min_dim:
print('Singular Matrix Warning: matrix rank %d but the minimum dimension %d'\
% (mr, min_dim))
# use formula to calculate beta, instead of using inverse, we use pseudo inverse
return np.linalg.inv(,X)).dot(X.T).dot(power_values)
Here the number of points and the number of samples are found. Also, the middle point that we will halve our data sample into training and testing data is made.
In [534]:
dim = 4*24*7
num_point = len(power_valuesBaker)
truncated_point = num_point//dim * dim
Here the training and testing data are made for each building model.
In [533]:
data_Baker = power_valuesBaker[:truncated_point]
data_Doherty = power_valuesDoherty[:truncated_point]
data_Porter = power_valuesPorter[:truncated_point]
data_Scaife = power_valuesScaife[:truncated_point]
data_Maincampus = power_valuesMaincampus[:truncated_point]
print np.mean(sum_data)
print np.mean(power_valuesMaincampus)
print np.mean(sum_data)/np.mean(power_valuesMaincampus)
trainData_Baker = dataBaker[:truncated_point//dim//2*dim]
testData_Baker = dataBaker[truncated_point//dim//2*dim:]
trainData_Doherty = dataDoherty[:truncated_point//dim//2*dim]
testData_Doherty = dataDoherty[truncated_point//dim//2*dim:]
trainData_Porter = dataPorter[:truncated_point//dim//2*dim]
testData_Porter = dataPorter[truncated_point//dim//2*dim:]
trainData_Scaife = dataScaife[:truncated_point//dim//2*dim]
testData_Scaife = dataScaife[truncated_point//dim//2*dim:]
trainData_Maincampus = dataMaincampus[:truncated_point//dim//2*dim]
testData_Maincampus = dataMaincampus[truncated_point//dim//2*dim:]
Here the temperature bounds are found for each building.
In [425]:
# get T_bound
num_chunk = 4
print dataBaker[0]
T_boundBaker = np.linspace(min(dataBaker[:,2]),max(dataBaker[:,2]),num_chunk+1)[1:-1]
T_boundDoherty = np.linspace(min(dataDoherty[:,2]),max(dataDoherty[:,2]),num_chunk+1)[1:-1]
T_boundPorter = np.linspace(min(dataPorter[:,2]),max(dataPorter[:,2]),num_chunk+1)[1:-1]
T_boundScaife = np.linspace(min(dataScaife[:,2]),max(dataScaife[:,2]),num_chunk+1)[1:-1]
T_boundMaincampus = np.linspace(min(dataMaincampus[:,2]),max(dataMaincampus[:,2]),num_chunk+1)[1:-1]
Here the design matrices are made for each building model.
In [427]:
DM_Baker = DesignMatrix(trainData_Baker[:,2], T_boundBaker, dim)
DM_Doherty = DesignMatrix(trainData_Doherty[:,2], T_boundDoherty, dim)
DM_Porter = DesignMatrix(trainData_Porter[:,2], T_boundPorter, dim)
DM_Scaife = DesignMatrix(trainData_Scaife[:,2], T_boundScaife, dim)
Here the beta hat coefficients are calculated for each building.
In [520]:
beta_trainBaker = beta_hat(DM_Baker,trainData_Baker[:,1])
beta_trainDoherty = beta_hat(DM_Doherty,trainData_Doherty[:,1])
beta_trainPorter = beta_hat(DM_Porter,trainData_Porter[:,1])
beta_trainScaife = beta_hat(DM_Scaife,trainData_Scaife[:,1])
Here the the predicted power consumption values are generated for each building and the sum stored.
In [526]:
predictedBaker = DesignMatrix(testData_Baker[:,2], T_boundBaker, dim).dot(beta_trainBaker)
predictedDoherty = DesignMatrix(testData_Doherty[:,2], T_boundDoherty, dim).dot(beta_trainDoherty)
predictedPorter = DesignMatrix(testData_Porter[:,2], T_boundPorter, dim).dot(beta_trainPorter)
predictedScaife = DesignMatrix(testData_Scaife[:,2], T_boundScaife, dim).dot(beta_trainScaife)
Here the sum for the the predicted power consumption for the train data is made and the sum stored across all four buildings.
In [527]:
predictedBaker1 = DesignMatrix(trainData_Baker[:,2], T_boundBaker, dim).dot(beta_trainBaker)
predictedDoherty1 = DesignMatrix(trainData_Doherty[:,2], T_boundDoherty, dim).dot(beta_trainDoherty)
predictedPorter1 = DesignMatrix(trainData_Porter[:,2], T_boundPorter, dim).dot(beta_trainPorter)
predictedScaife1 = DesignMatrix(trainData_Scaife[:,2], T_boundScaife, dim).dot(beta_trainScaife)
Here the graphs for the true data and our generated model predictions are made. One is made using the testing data and the other using the training data. The R^2 value is also calculated using the equation from Homework 3.
In [ ]:
plt.legend(['true data','predicted data'])
plt.title('Prediction on testing data')
plt.legend(['true data','predicted data'])
plt.title('Prediction on training data')
In [454]:
power_testaverageBaker= np.average(power_valuesBaker)
num = testData_Baker[:,1] - (
den = testData_Baker[:,1] - power_testaverageBaker
R2_Baker = 1 - (
print R2_Baker
In [378]:
plt.legend(['true data','predicted data'])
plt.title('Prediction on testing data')
plt.plot(trainData_Baker[:,0],DesignMatrix(trainData_Baker[:,2], T_boundBaker, dim).dot(beta_trainBaker),'.r')
plt.legend(['true data','predicted data'])
plt.title('Prediction on training data')
In [458]:
power_testaverageDoherty= np.average(power_valuesDoherty)
num = testData_Doherty[:,1] - (
den = testData_Doherty[:,1] - power_testaverageDoherty
R2_Doherty = 1 - (
print R2_Doherty
In [379]:
plt.legend(['true data','predicted data'])
plt.title('Prediction on testing data')
plt.plot(trainData_Doherty[:,0],DesignMatrix(trainData_Doherty[:,2], T_boundDoherty, dim).dot(beta_trainDoherty),'.r')
plt.legend(['true data','predicted data'])
plt.title('Prediction on training data')
In [459]:
power_testaveragePorter= np.average(power_valuesPorter)
num = testData_Porter[:,1] - (
den = testData_Porter[:,1] - power_testaveragePorter
R2_Porter = 1 - (
print R2_Porter
In [380]:
plt.legend(['true data','predicted data'])
plt.title('Prediction on testing data')
plt.plot(trainData_Porter[:,0],DesignMatrix(trainData_Porter[:,2], T_boundPorter, dim).dot(beta_trainPorter),'.r')
plt.legend(['true data','predicted data'])
plt.title('Prediction on training data')
In [460]:
power_testaverageScaife= np.average(power_valuesScaife)
num = testData_Scaife[:,1] - (
den = testData_Scaife[:,1] - power_testaverageScaife
R2_Scaife = 1 - (
print R2_Scaife
In [381]:
plt.legend(['true data','predicted data'])
plt.title('Prediction on testing data')
plt.plot(trainData_Scaife[:,0],DesignMatrix(trainData_Scaife[:,2], T_boundScaife, dim).dot(beta_trainScaife),'.r')
plt.legend(['true data','predicted data'])
plt.title('Prediction on training data')
Computing the confidence intervals for all four models.
In [466]:
alpha_avgBaker = np.mean(beta_trainBaker[0:480])
alpha_stdBaker = np.std(beta_trainBaker[0:480])
beta_avgBaker = np.mean(beta_trainBaker[480:486])
beta_stdBaker = np.std(beta_trainBaker[480:486])
alpha_upperBaker = alpha_avgBaker + (2*alpha_stdBaker)
alpha_bottomBaker = alpha_avgBaker - (2*alpha_stdBaker)
beta_upperBaker = beta_avgBaker + (2*beta_stdBaker)
beta_bottomBaker = beta_avgBaker - (2*beta_stdBaker)
In [467]:
alpha_intervalBaker = [alpha_bottomBaker,alpha_upperBaker]
beta_intervalBaker = [beta_bottomBaker,beta_upperBaker]
print alpha_intervalBaker
print beta_intervalBaker
In [468]:
alpha_avgDoherty = np.mean(beta_trainDoherty[0:480])
alpha_stdDoherty = np.std(beta_trainDoherty[0:480])
beta_avgDoherty = np.mean(beta_trainDoherty[480:486])
beta_stdDoherty = np.std(beta_trainDoherty[480:486])
alpha_upperDoherty = alpha_avgDoherty + (2*alpha_stdDoherty)
alpha_bottomDoherty = alpha_avgDoherty - (2*alpha_stdDoherty)
beta_upperDoherty = beta_avgDoherty + (2*beta_stdDoherty)
beta_bottomDoherty = beta_avgDoherty - (2*beta_stdDoherty)
In [469]:
alpha_intervalDoherty = [alpha_bottomDoherty,alpha_upperDoherty]
beta_intervalDoherty = [beta_bottomDoherty,beta_upperDoherty]
print alpha_intervalDoherty
print beta_intervalDoherty
In [470]:
alpha_avgPorter = np.mean(beta_trainPorter[0:480])
alpha_stdPorter = np.std(beta_trainPorter[0:480])
beta_avgPorter = np.mean(beta_trainPorter[480:486])
beta_stdPorter = np.std(beta_trainPorter[480:486])
alpha_upperPorter = alpha_avgPorter + (2*alpha_stdPorter)
alpha_bottomPorter = alpha_avgPorter - (2*alpha_stdPorter)
beta_upperPorter = beta_avgPorter + (2*beta_stdPorter)
beta_bottomPorter = beta_avgPorter - (2*beta_stdPorter)
In [471]:
alpha_intervalPorter = [alpha_bottomPorter,alpha_upperPorter]
beta_intervalPorter = [beta_bottomPorter,beta_upperPorter]
print alpha_intervalPorter
print beta_intervalPorter
In [472]:
alpha_avgScaife = np.mean(beta_trainScaife[0:480])
alpha_stdScaife = np.std(beta_trainScaife[0:480])
beta_avgScaife = np.mean(beta_trainScaife[480:486])
beta_stdScaife = np.std(beta_trainScaife[480:486])
alpha_upperScaife = alpha_avgScaife + (2*alpha_stdScaife)
alpha_bottomScaife = alpha_avgScaife - (2*alpha_stdScaife)
beta_upperScaife = beta_avgScaife + (2*beta_stdScaife)
beta_bottomScaife = beta_avgScaife - (2*beta_stdScaife)
In [473]:
alpha_intervalScaife = [alpha_bottomScaife,alpha_upperScaife]
beta_intervalScaife = [beta_bottomScaife,beta_upperScaife]
print alpha_intervalScaife
print beta_intervalScaife